DiffPlug. View, edit, compare. Anything...

Fastest Simulink and Stateflow viewer on the market, for free!
Fastest Simulink and Stateflow viewer on the market, for free!
Trace signals across your model.
Diff Simulink and Stateflow, including 3-way.
Diff Simulink and Stateflow, including 3-way.
Diff Embedded MATLAB.
Diff Embedded MATLAB.
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Powerful tabs.
Powerful tabs.
Syntax highlighting for everything.
Syntax highlighting for everything.
Ubiquitous diff.
Ubiquitous diff.
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Intuitive image viewing.
Intuitive image viewing.
Powerful, minimalist image diffing.
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... from anywhere.

Includes native support for git.
Includes native support for git.
Includes native support for git.
Includes native support for git.
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Includes native support for svn.
Includes native support for svn.
Includes native support for svn.
Includes native support for svn.
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Look inside zips with ease.
Look inside zips with ease.
Or zips of zips.
Or zips of zips.
Or zips of tars of ...
Or zips of tars of ...
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On all platforms. For free.*

We sell the Simulink differ, and the rest is free.


Older Newer
August 14, 2019

v2.1.2 is released

This is a bugfix release for new features introduced in 2.1.0.

Fixed in this release

  • The dp command line client was limited to only one concurrent connection. There is now no limit to the number simultaneous dp connections.
  • There was an escaping error in our recommended .gitconfig file, corrected here.
  • Simulink reports containing changed SLX metadata could sometimes generate the following errors:
    • NullPointerException: com.aspose.words.DocumentBuilder.zzZ
    • UnsupportedOperationException com.diffplug.differs.simulink.e.aT.v(SourceFile:154)
  • Everything from 2.1.1
August 9, 2019

v2.1.1 is released

This is a hotfix for 2.1.0.

Fixed in this release

  • DiffPlug 2.0.4 and 2.1.0 include a performance improvement that trusts the size of .zip entries in .slx files. However, for some older files, these sizes are not set, which causes a NegativeArraySizeException when opening these models. DiffPlug 2.1.1 keeps the optimizations from 2.1.0, while also opening these older .slx files.
August 7, 2019

v2.1.0 is released

New in this release

  • Added the ability to generate a report from a Simulink diff and export as .docx or .pdf.
    • Currently suppports only human-readable formats, no machine-readable format yet.
    • If there are changes in MAT-data, the existence of the change will be noted in the report, but there won't be any description. So it will say "UserData was added/removed/changed", but that's all.
  • Added support for TortoiseGit.

Fixed in this release

< < Older Newer > >