Release notes from 2.4.1 back to 2.3.2

Extend to 2.5.0
October 23, 2020

v2.4.1 is released

Fixed issues in this release

  • Changing the case of files in a git repository now works seamlessly even on case-insensitive filesystems like Mac OS X and Windows.
  • Fixed various minor Simulink bugs.
May 26, 2020

v2.4.0 is released

New in the release - for Simulink users

Fixed issues in this release

  • If files were checked-in to git and .gitignored (an inconsistent situation which sometimes occurs), then they would be reported as "removed" in the DiffPlug git client. This is now fixed.
March 27, 2020

v2.3.2 is released

Fixed issues in this release

  • If a Simulink model had multiple Goto blocks with the same name, DiffPlug would throw a fatal error. Now fixed.
Extend to 2.3.1