Version 2.6.1

This version is out of date!

We strongly recommend using the latest version, 2.11.1.

Also available for these platforms:
Win x64  Mac x64  Linux x64 

Release notes

October 25, 2021

New in this release - general usage

  • When you mouseover the head branch, you now get a context-sensitive popup for downloading and uploading against that branch.
  • popup head panel on mouseover popup head panel on mouseover
  • It is now possible to force-push a remote branch backwards (usually not a good idea to do that, DiffPlug will ask for confirmation first).
  • force push backwards
  • git push now includes --set-upstream.

Fixed in this release - general usage

  • Confirm dialogs which are triggered by the sync pane now automatically have keyboard focus.
  • Faster feedback when removing a branch or tag from git tips.
  • "Show help whenever I open a new git history window" was not respected, now it is.
  • Cloning a git repository could sometimes fail starting in 2.6.0, now fixed.
  • Deleting remote branches and downloading branches which have been removed from the remote are now fixed.
  • Attempting to git push and getting rejected because the remote has new commits now proactively prompts to download latest.
  • Retry attempts which needed a --force were broken, now fixed.

New in this release - expert users

  • Whenever you see a red X like below, you can right-click it to open a stacktrace dialog. In previous releases of DiffPlug, this was double-click, but now it is right-click. This change was needed to allow us to use the red X as a regular button in some important places, namely the git operation tracker.
  • red X