Release notes from 2.7.0 back to 2.3.2

Extend to 2.8.0
January 28, 2022

v2.7.0 is released

New in this release - Simulink

  • Added support for Simscape.
  • Added support for R2022a.
  • Added support for Stateflow entry and exit ports (introduced in R2021b).

Fixed in this release - Simulink

  • Toggling the split direction while in the undocked state no longer causes an error.
  • Previously, a diff filter such as subviewS/* would fail to apply on an empty subviewS node - it falsely assumed there would be a subviewS/someProperty=foo. This is now fixed, which reduces noise in diff reports, especially related to embedded MATLAB scripts.

New in this release - general usage

  • Keyboard shortcuts for tab navigation.
    • Ctrl+W to close the current tab.
    • Ctrl+Shift+T to reopen a recently closed tab.
    • Ctrl+Tab / Ctrl+Shift+Tab to navigate through tabs (or Ctrl+PgUp/PgDown).
  • Instead of "Accept commits", you now get "Accept 4 commits" (as appropriate).

Fixed in this release - general usage

  • log4j has been entirely removed from DiffPlug.
  • Dragging and dropping changed files in the commit diff viewer is fixed.
  • When uploading a new branch to a remote, the --set-upstream tracking information wasn't being saved to disk. Now fixed.
  • On MacOS only, DiffPlug startup could hang on proxy configuration when no network connections were available. Now fixed.
  • Viewing and diffing folders which filenames containing [...] has been fixed.
October 25, 2021

v2.6.1 is released

New in this release - general usage

  • When you mouseover the head branch, you now get a context-sensitive popup for downloading and uploading against that branch.
  • popup head panel on mouseover popup head panel on mouseover
  • It is now possible to force-push a remote branch backwards (usually not a good idea to do that, DiffPlug will ask for confirmation first).
  • force push backwards
  • git push now includes --set-upstream.

Fixed in this release - general usage

  • Confirm dialogs which are triggered by the sync pane now automatically have keyboard focus.
  • Faster feedback when removing a branch or tag from git tips.
  • "Show help whenever I open a new git history window" was not respected, now it is.
  • Cloning a git repository could sometimes fail starting in 2.6.0, now fixed.
  • Deleting remote branches and downloading branches which have been removed from the remote are now fixed.
  • Attempting to git push and getting rejected because the remote has new commits now proactively prompts to download latest.
  • Retry attempts which needed a --force were broken, now fixed.

New in this release - expert users

  • Whenever you see a red X like below, you can right-click it to open a stacktrace dialog. In previous releases of DiffPlug, this was double-click, but now it is right-click. This change was needed to allow us to use the red X as a regular button in some important places, namely the git operation tracker.
  • red X
October 19, 2021

v2.6.0 is released

New in this release - general usage

  • The git client has been redesigned to improve usability and prepare for new features coming soon.

redesigned git client

Fixed in this release - general usage

  • Folder diff via the dp ext mechanism has been fixed, after it was broken by a performance optimization introduced in DiffPlug 2.5.1.

New in this release - for Simulink users

  • Added support for R2021b.
    • Note: we do not yet support the new Stateflow Entry and Exit mechanisms which were introduced in R2021b. They will be added in the next release.
July 23, 2021

v2.5.1 is released

Fixed in this release - general usage

  • Improved parenthesis and bracket matching in text diffs.
  • Folder diff is much faster.
  • No more "widget is disposed" errors when restoring tabs.

Fixed in this release - for Simulink users

  • Simulink models with plaintext documentation blocks are now displayed correctly.
February 9, 2021

v2.5.0 is released

New in this release - general usage

  • It is now convenient to use user activation (aka floating license) without ever setting a password. So long as you select "user activation" DiffPlug will automatically return and pull licenses from your pool even if you use copy-paste activation.
  • We have improved the license management ergonomics for fleets of air-gapped computers.
  • Improved error logging and debugging info, especially for unresponsive UI.

New in this release - for Simulink users

  • Added support for R2020b and R2021a.
October 23, 2020

v2.4.1 is released

Fixed issues in this release

  • Changing the case of files in a git repository now works seamlessly even on case-insensitive filesystems like Mac OS X and Windows.
  • Fixed various minor Simulink bugs.
May 26, 2020

v2.4.0 is released

New in the release - for Simulink users

Fixed issues in this release

  • If files were checked-in to git and .gitignored (an inconsistent situation which sometimes occurs), then they would be reported as "removed" in the DiffPlug git client. This is now fixed.
March 27, 2020

v2.3.2 is released

Fixed issues in this release

  • If a Simulink model had multiple Goto blocks with the same name, DiffPlug would throw a fatal error. Now fixed.
Extend to 2.3.1